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Legal Protection on the Right of Geographical Indication for Micro and Small Business in Indonesia
Geographical indication is a part of intellectual property rights. Indonesia has the model of legal protection on it. But many unfair competitions that come from other country, espesially it is called passing of through international market. Actually there is several international convention provisions that regulate Geographical Indication covering international registration system. The methods of this research is normative, that based on doctrinal legal research. The research result shows that Indonesian law does not provide preventive protection for the citizens in terms of product registration even though product registration is the main requirement for a product to be given exclusive right when it is exported to another country so that passing off as a form of unfair competition can be avoided. Therefore, the government’s role in improving citizens’ awareness on the importance of exclusive right should be improved. Moreover, the government should ease the product registration access so that the product is able to compete in international market and should expand bilateral as well as multilateral cooperation.