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Earnings Management and Value Relevance in Nigeria: A Pre and Post Ifrs Analysis


  • Sunny O. Temile University of Salford, United Kingdom
  • Al Bahloul Mohammed University of Salford, United Kingdom
  • Dadang Prasetyo Jatmiko Researcher at RISET-Pro, Kemristek- DIKTI, Indonesia


The purpose of this article is to analyse the literature concerning legal framework for outer space activities by states. Review was conducted on the elements of national space law, including literature critiquing particular strengths or weaknesses of existing laws and literature, on the obligations placed on States under international law and on why writers make particular recommendations as to the content of legislation. The article will summarise the key elements one would anticipate finding in the outer space regulatory framework and which will form the structure of the analytical framework when considering how States implement international space law in practice. In recent times, the issue of earnings management and value relevance has caused financial reports to come under scrutiny. With the introduction of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), a lot of studies have been carried out to see what kind of effect it has on key financial variables such as earnings management and value relevance of firms. Therefore, this study, “Earnings Management and Value Relevance in Nigeria: A Pre and Post IFRS Analysis”, examined the impact of IFRS on Earnings Management and Value Relevance of financial information in Non-Financial Companies quoted in the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE). Data gathered are from the financial statements and annual reports of 60 Companies from the Non-Financial Sector of the Nigeria Stock Exchange because companies in the financial sector are not overall amendable to accruals model. The empirical study covered the period from 2007 to 2016 statistical and econometric tools such as Panel data regression and paired samples tests. The results revealed an increase in value relevance, and a decrease in earnings management in the Post-IFRS era. Thus, we infer that earnings management level has decreased while value relevance has increased since IFRS adoption. This study therefore recommends that the relevant regulatory bodies should be empowered by the government to enable the formulation of effective measures and policies that check earnings management practices, and foster value relevance of the financial information presented in the annual reports and accounts of Nigerian companies.

Article information


International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention

Volume (Issue)

5 (5)





How to Cite

Earnings Management and Value Relevance in Nigeria: A Pre and Post Ifrs Analysis. (2018). International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention, 5(5), 4672-4680.





