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The Comparison of Social Learning Study (Ips) Results Using Cooperative Jigsaw Learning Model Based On It Media for Elementary Students (Sd)


  • Umar Darwis S.E,M.PD A Lecturer of Fkip Pgsd Department Umn Al Washliyah Medan


Social studies education has been taught since elementary school, this social studies lesson can provide a significant contribution in overcoming social problems, because social studies education has a function and role in improving human resources to obtain knowledge about human dignity and values ​​as social beings, the skills to apply that knowledge and able to behave based on values ​​and norms so that they can live in a society. The ideal conditions expected from the results of social studies learning in schooling are considered not yet in line with expectations, even some research findings and observations of education experts reinforce the conclusion that social studies education in Indonesia is not maximal because the realization of social values ​​developed in social studies learning is still not well implemented in the daily lives of students. The social skills of graduate students are still alarming, as evidenced by student participation in various community activities is shrinking. By having the implementation of the jigsaw cooperative learning model assisted by IT media, the jigsaw cooperative learning model without using media also allows students to work in teams and ensure each team has mastered the subject matter provided by the teacher, except that in this learning model students do not get additional sources of knowledge through the media IT.

The Background of Study.

Social studies subjects are complex subjects and are needed in studying the existence of a tribe, nation, and culture of community groups, this is because social studies discuss all forms of knowledge about events that occur in the midst of the development of community groups, or certain ethnic groups in its development with the world from time to time. A good understanding of IPS concepts and applications will be very beneficial for students, so students are accustomed to use a systematic, rational, careful, clear, and accurate mindset in solving all problems related to the times and the social community environment in the world.

The purpose of education in general is to provide an environment that allows students to develop their talents and abilities optimally, so that they can manifest themselves and function fully according to their personal needs and community needs.

The main purpose of social studies is to develop the potential of students to be sensitive to social problems that occur in the community, have a positive mental attitude towards the improvement of all inequalities that occur, and be skilled in dealing with every problem that occurs daily either for students, themselves or the community.

Social studies education can provide a significant contribution in overcoming social problems, because social studies education has a function and role in improving human resources to obtain knowledge about human dignity and values ​​as social beings, the ability to apply that knowledge and be able to behave based on values ​​and norms so able to live in a community.

The ideal conditions expected from the results of social studies learning in schooling are considered not yet in line with expectations, even some research findings and observations of education experts reinforce the conclusion that social studies education in Indonesia is not maximal because the realization of social values ​​developed in social studies learning is still not so visible. in the daily lives of students. The social skills of graduate students are still alarming, as evidenced by student participation in various community activities is shrinking

The ideal conditions expected from the results of social studies learning in schooling are considered not yet in line with expectations, even some research findings and observations of education experts reinforce the conclusion that social studies education in Indonesia is not maximal because the realization of social values ​​developed in social studies learning is still not well implemented in the daily lives of students. The social skills of graduate students are still alarming, as evidenced by student participation in various community activities is shrinking. (Syaodih, 2008:2).

In fact, although the learning objectives have been clearly and clearly defined, the implementation of learning often fails.

In this learning strategies students only receive information (knowledge) from what is delivered by the teacher, so students are less empowered. In other words students gain knowledge because they are "notified" by their teacher and not because they "find themselves" directly by students. The learning activities carried out are oriented towards the target of mastery of the material, so that they only succeed in short-term memory competition, but fail in equipping students with long-term knowledge and insight. Learning like this will result in students being less able to understand what learning means, what its benefits are, and how to achieve it. In the end students feel difficulties in solving their own problems because they do not have sufficient experience, knowledge and insight. This learning strategy is what often happens in our school classes.

The jigsaw cooperative learning model is a learning model that allows students to work in teams and each team must ensure that all team members have mastered the subject matter provided by the teacher. In this way students will share knowledge and help each other between fellow teams, if there are team members who have not mastered a material or have not been able to complete a task assigned to him then other friends in one team must help for the achievement of their group. Thus the collaboration formed will affect student learning outcomes.

In the jigsaw cooperative learning model assisted by IT media, the teacher is tasked with helping students to achieve learning goals through a series of efforts or tactics that encourage students to be actively involved in seeking information, then can provide feedback from the discussions that they carry out. Thus students are optimally empowered because they are actively involved in constructing their own concepts, knowledge in social studies subjects through sources derived from books and IT media.

Similar to the jigsaw cooperative learning model assisted by IT media, the jigsaw cooperative learning model without using media also allows students to work in teams and ensure each team has mastered the subject matter provided by the teacher, except that in this learning model students do not get additional sources of knowledge through IT media.

The Writing Of Method

The methods of writing these journal are:

Library Research ( Bibliography), which is by means of books related to social studies with IP. IT lessons (Information and Telecommunications) and other books and papers, and other relevant writings.1. Library Research (Bibliography), which is by means of books related to social studies with IP. IT lessons (Information and Telecommunications) and other books and papers, and other relevant writings. Experimental Research or Empirical2. Experimental Research or Empirical

The data collected in this case relates to the material from the results of the author's research.

Discussion And Result

Winkel ( 1990) suggested that learning is a mental activity that takes place in active interactions with the environment that results in changes in knowledge, understanding, skills, values, and attitudes. According to Shah (1999: 64) learning is a stage of individual behavior that is relatively settled as a result of experience and interaction with the environment involving cognitive processes. Besides that, Gie ( 1995) learning is a series of activities carried out consciously by someone in causing changes in him in the form of changes in knowledge of skills that are permanent. From the opinion, it can be seen that the main learning objectives are gaining an individual permanent change.

The nature of the learning process is focused on the definition that learning is a process of changing behavior from experience and practice, meaning the purpose of the activity is a change in behavior, both concerning knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Ramiszowski ( 1984) says that learning outcomes are shown in the form of knowledge and skills. Knowledge is grouped into four categories, namely facts, concepts, procedures and principles. Facts are knowledge of real objects, associations and reality, and verbal information from an object. The concept is knowledge of a set of concrete objects or definitions. Procedure is knowledge about actions that are linear in achieving goals. Furthermore, principle is a statement about the relationship of two or more concepts.

Reigeluth (1983: 20) states that learning outcomes must have effectiveness, efficiency and attractiveness. Effectiveness is measured by the level of achievement of learning outcomes obtained by students, both in quality and quantity. The quality of learning outcomes shows the meaningfulness of the contents of the material learned in everyday life, while the quantity shows the number of variations in learning outcomes that can be achieved by students. Efficiency is measured based on the time needed by students to learn, in the sense that the less time students need to understand the contents of the subject matter, the more efficient learning outcomes obtained. While attraction is measured by the presence or absence of the tendency of students to be motivated to learn further in the sense of developing insights based on learning outcomes that have been obtained.

Learning outcomes according to Bloom ( 198 6: 20) are divided into three parts, namely cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. The cognitive area consists of six types of behavior, namely: ( 1) Knowledge, including the ability to remember about things that have been learned and stored in memory, ( 2) Understanding, including the ability to capture the meaning and meaning of things learned, ( 3) Application, including the ability applying methods and rules to deal with new problems or real situations, ( 4) Analysis, including the ability to detail a unit into parts so that the overall structure can be well understood, ( 5) synthesis, including ability to form a new pattern, for example the ability compile a work program, and ( 6) Evaluation, including the ability to form opinions about several things based on certain criteria, such as the ability to assess essay results.

Purwanto ( 2001) stated that some learning outcomes are influenced by various factors, namely internal factors and external factors. External factors such as environmental and natural factors, and instrumental factors, namely curriculum / learning material, teacher / instructor and facilities, administration / management. While the internal factors such as physiological factors, namely physical conditions and five sensory conditions, and psychological factors, namely talent, interest, intelligence, motivation and cognitive abilities.

Dari data yang diperoleh dapat diketahui bahwa misalnya : skor hasil belajar IPS siswa yang diajar dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif menggunakan media IT diperoleh skor terendah 19 dan skor tertinggi 30, rata-rata skor adalah 24,57. Nilai Modus (Mo) 25, median 25 dan simpangan baku 2,96 dan Varians 8,78 ( Lampiran 11 hal. 138). Untuk lebih jelasnya data tersebut dapat dilihat pada Tabel berikut.

From the data obtained it can be seen that for example: IPS learning outcomes scores of students taught with cooperative learning models using IT media obtained the lowest score of 19 and the highest score of 30, the average score was 24.57. Value of Mode (Mo) 25, median 25 and standard deviation 2.96 and Variance 8.78 ( Appendix 11 p. 138). For more details, the data can be seen in the following table.

Table of Student Social Sciences Learning (IPS) Outcomes with Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Model Assisted by IT media

No. Single class F Absolut F. Relative (%)
1 19 4 11.43
2 20 1 2.86
3 21 1 2.86
4 23 5 14.29
5 24 4 11.43
6 25 6 17.14
7 26 5 14.29
8 27 4 11.43
9 28 2 5.71
10 29 2 5.71
11 30 1 2.86
Amount =SUM(ABOVE) 35 =SUM(ABOVE) 100
From Table-4. 1 data on social studies learning outcomes of students taught with the jigsaw cooperative learning model assisted by IT media, obtained 4287% below the average, 1714% at the average, and 4000% above the average The following is presented the histogram of scores of students' social studies learning outcomes with the Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Model Assisted by IT media as seen in Figure 41

Student Social Studies (IPS) Learning Outcomes Taught With Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Models Without Media.

From the data obtained it can be seen that the score of Social Studies learning outcomes of students with Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Model without media obtained the lowest score of 18 and the highest score of 28, the average score is 22.29, the value of Mode (Mo) 19.00 and Median (Me) 23.00. While the standard deviation of 2.93 and the Variance of 8.59 For more details, the data can be seen in the following table.

Table of Student Social Sciences Learning (IPS) Outcomes with Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Model without using media

No. Single Class F Absolut F. Relative (%)
1 18 1 2.63
2 19 9 23.68
3 20 3 7.89
4 21 4 10.53
5 22 4 10.53
6 23 3 7.89
7 24 5 13.16
8 25 4 10.53
9 26 1 2.63
10 27 1 2.63
11 28 3 7.89
Jumlah =SUM(ABOVE) 38 =SUM(ABOVE) 100
From Table-4. 2 above, it can be explained that for the percentage of Social Sciences learning outcomes scores of students taught with the jigsaw cooperative learning model without using media, 5526% were below the average, 789% were at the average, and 3684% above the average The following is presented the histogram of scores of students' social studies learning outcomes taught by using the jigsaw cooperative learning model without using media

The results of Kadir's study (2002: 136) concluded that there were significant differences in learning outcomes between students who were taught by cooperative learning methods and student learning outcomes learned by traditional learning on accounting subjects.

Sari's research (2008: 118) concluded that students who were taught with a jigsaw type cooperative learning model obtained higher biology learning outcomes than students who were taught using a cooperative learning model type TPS ( Think Pair Share).

Research on computer and LCD use conducted by Suka Rahmaddi (2009: 93) which concluded that learning using computers and LCD affects students' physics learning achievement, namely the acquisition of higher student average learning outcomes when taught using learning material sources from computers and LCD.

The research conducted by Susilawati (2003: 121) concluded that groups of students who had a form of cooperative social interaction obtained better learning outcomes scores than groups of students who had competitive social interactions.

Research conducted by Romylie Dian Prasetya (2009: 125) concluded that students who have cooperative social interactions have higher learning outcomes when taught using cooperative learning models using internet media compared to students who are taught with expository learning models using internet media.

In social studies learning, students who have cooperative type social interactions will usually complete work or assignments with complete calm so that they have the mindset to be ready to solve problems, especially in learning. Even though they are unable to work on their own assignments given by the teacher, students who have cooperative type social interactions will try to complete all the tasks given by way of collaboration. Collaboration in a team that is formed will make it easier for students to do assignments, even in seeking and finding various information related to the subject matter.

Social interaction of students provides an overview of a broad attitude horizon and a deep understanding of students in getting along and interacting with their fellow students. This interaction will indirectly provide ideas that are relevant and useful for students' lives.

Students who have cooperative-type social interactions are students who always use the potential to think and collaborate in groups by prioritizing the interests of the group over individual interests, thus students will be accustomed to finding various information not only for themselves, but also for friends in their team, this way students will have more information from various sources and this will increase students' knowledge.

In contrast, students who have competitive type of social interaction tend to be anxious and tense in the face of various learning problems, the big worry of their friends will get higher learning outcomes than themselves, in this case resulting in students confined to an idealism that will harm themselves because they do not accept opinions from others, even feeling other people outside of themselves are enemies that must be rivaled, including in learning. The nature of being not open to the opinions of others possessed by students of this competitive type results in students getting less learning information, and this of course will affect students learning outcomes.

If it is associated with social studies learning outcomes, students who have cooperative type social interactions will not feel satisfied quickly with the results of their own opinions, feeling that they will always try to work together with their team to find more extensive information. While for students who have competitive type of social interaction, they will usually try with their own abilities and will quickly feel satisfied with the acquisition of these values.

Thus, it is assumed that students who have cooperative type social interactions will obtain higher learning outcomes than students who have competitive social interactions.

Cooperative learning model assisted by IT media is a model that uses stages of learning that activate students by directly involving students in the form of discussion and collaboration in teams.

The activities of the cooperative learning model assisted by IT media are learning models that are centered on students and teachers as motivators, with this model students are trained to be able to socialize in community life through teamwork carried out as long as the learning activities take place, besides discussion and sharing opinions with others can stimulate various forms of learning, such as learning about cooperation, empathy, social systems, concepts, skills, ability to think critically, and make decisions. This learning activity will be very easy for students who have cooperative type social interactions. They will be more motivated to take part in learning because they feel challenged to pour out the knowledge they get from what they have read, remembered, recorded and reviewed in accordance with the patterns of social interaction they have through teamwork.

On the other hand, students who have competitive social interactions will feel so hard and less motivated to cooperate in solving learning problems given in learning activities. Competitive social interaction results in a lack of information that they know about the relation between learning and real life in the social community interactions they will implement in the future. Students who have competitive social interactions will lack ideas in providing feedback on the learning activities that they have carried out during the learning process.

From the description above it is assumed that there is an interaction between learning models using IT media and social interaction with students' social studies learning outcomes.


That the social studies learning outcomes of students taught with the jigsaw cooperative learning model assisted by IT media were higher than the learning outcomes of students who were taught using the jigsaw cooperative learning model without using media. This is because students taught by the jigsaw cooperative learning model assisted by IT media get additional sources of knowledge through computers and LCDs.

Article information


International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention

Volume (Issue)

5 (12)





How to Cite

The Comparison of Social Learning Study (Ips) Results Using Cooperative Jigsaw Learning Model Based On It Media for Elementary Students (Sd). (2018). International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention, 5(12), 5123-5127.





