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Research Article

Ideological Meaning of Lamongan Batik Motifs (Semiotic Prespective)


  • Mulyono Department of Indonesian Language and Literature, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Rusdhianti Wuryaningrum 2Department of Language and Arts, Universitas Jember, Indonesia.


This study discusses the ideological meaning of the name and painting of batik motifs in Lamongan, Indonesia. The Lamongan batik motif is a semantic discourse that needs to be analyzed to reveal literally the meaning of the values ​​believed by the Lamongan community. As part of culture, batik is a social semiotics representation of the ideology of society. This research is applied with semiotics study method to reveal ideological meaning. Perspective semiotics provides an idea of ​​the ideological meaning. The results of the analysis show that there are philosophical values ​​based on four categories, namely morals, historical education, spirituality, and tradition. The four categories are based on the descriptions of several figures who put forward the philosophical value of naming the Lamongan batik motif and the philosophy of batik craftsmen in creating names and painting of batik motifs. The philosophical values ​​consist of categories of religious philosophical values, moral values, and social values. The referential meaning that dominates is the referential meaning of nature. Philosophical values ​​that can be identified from the referential meaning of nature (flora and fauna) are moral philosophical values ​​because they are related to human ethics towards nature. Linguistic form, in the morphological aspect, shows linguistic awareness in creating art objects. Ideologically, the batik motif and its name show the awareness of maintaining the relationship between humans, humans with nature, and humans with God.


Keyword: ideological meaning, lamongan batik motifs, semiotics perspective

Article information


International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention

Volume (Issue)

8 (12)





How to Cite

Ideological Meaning of Lamongan Batik Motifs (Semiotic Prespective). (2021). International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention, 8(12), 6726-6734.



