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Outlook Infrastructure Development in Indonesia
The purpose of article writing is to provide an overview of Indonesia's infrastructure development and its relation to investment plans and economy in general, as well as providing information for the preparation of roadmap infrastructure development in Indonesia. The availability of quality infrastructure is one of the determinants of the attractiveness of a region / region, in addition to environmental quality factors, image, and society (culture). Meanwhile, infrastructure performance is a key factor in determining global competitiveness, in addition to macroeconomic performance, government efficiency, and business efficiency. Availability of adequate infrastructure in terms of quality is a major factor to encourage and support sustainable economic growth. Infrastructure is seen as an important element of the global competitiveness of a nation. This article also presents an outlook for Indonesia's infrastructure development that can be used by stakeholders in various infrastructure sectors (Government or private) as. The growth target of the RPJMN 2010-2019 in 2015 fixes the figure of 5.80 percent. Up to T-III 2015, the national economic growth only reached 4.9 percent far below the RPJMN growth target.