Article contents


The Development of Writing Short Story Teaching Material Based on the Local Wisdom for the Eleventh Grade Students in Situbondo


  • Sutrisno Gustiraja Alfarizi1 , Arju Muti’ah Endang Sri Widayati 1 Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Jember, Indonesian Language and Literature Education


The development of the teaching material of writing short story text is needed. It is because of its starting from the
study of text book and the preliminary study, it is known that must be fixed, such as: 1) the discussion about language style, 2) the
discussion about the intrinsic elements, 3) the discussion about the writing technique of short story, and 4) the short story that is
used as monotonous modelling text and it cannot be comprehended by the students easily. The development of teaching material
of writing short story text doesn’t only fixes the condition of text book, but also accomodates the local wisdom of Situbondo. This
is as an effort to mediate the personality of the students in the form of comprehension and knowledge. The aim of this research is
to describe the development process, the validity, and the response of the students. This research uses the method of research and
development from Team of Puslitjaknov (Team of The Research Centre, The Policy, and The Innovation), which is adapted from
the model of Borg and Gall. The validity percentage of teaching material of writing short story text bases on the local wisdom for
students in class XI of Senior High Scholl in Situbondo reaches 81,49%. It means that the teaching material is proper. Meanwhile,
bases on the results of students try out, it gives response until 81%. It means that the teaching material is also proper to be
impemented in the classroom.

Article information


International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention

Volume (Issue)

4 (8)





How to Cite

The Development of Writing Short Story Teaching Material Based on the Local Wisdom for the Eleventh Grade Students in Situbondo. (2017). International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention, 4(8), 3808-3816.



