Article contents


Subjective quality of life analyses in population regularly participating in sport with different health status


  • Dagmar Nemček Department of Sport Educology and Sport Humanities, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia


The aim of the study was to evaluate subjective satisfaction with 24 quality of life indicators (QoLIs); measure overall quality of
life (QoL) in population with different health status who regularly participating in sport and compare satisfaction with QoLIs as
well overall QoL within three main groups of healthy population (HP; n=249), population with non-communicable diseases
(PwNCDs; n=170) and population with disabilities (PwDs; n=193). The Subjective Quality of Life Analysis (S.QUA.L.A.) was
used as a primary research method. 24 QoLIs measure cognitive element of subjective well-being using the 5-point rating scale.
Score 1 meant the highest satisfaction and score 5 expressed the absolute insignificance of the particular indicator in life. The
Pearson chi-square test was used to determine the differences of 24 QoLIs and student’s two-sample t-test was used to compare
QoL total score between all three evaluated groups. The highest satisfaction with QoLIs was presented by group of HP regularly
participating in sport and the highest dissatisfaction was expressed by the group of PwNCDs regularly participating in sport. All
evaluated groups demonstrated the highest disappointment in their lives with political situation and justice. There was not found
significant differences in overall QoL among all evaluated groups regularly participating in sport. The results of our study
confirmed that HP regularly participating in sport is the most satisfied with different QoLIs as well as show the highest overall
QoL comparing PwNCDs and PwDs.

Article information


International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention

Volume (Issue)

4 (10)





How to Cite

Subjective quality of life analyses in population regularly participating in sport with different health status. (2017). International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention, 4(10), 4041-4047.



