Latest Issue

Vol. 6 No. 5 (2019):

Published: 2019-05-07

Research Article

Verbal Phraseological Units (in Nakhchivan Dialects)

Shakar Mammadova (Gadimly) Haywaly

The exploitation of movie sets in filming locations

Sofia Gourgoulianni

Mourning Protocol Details and the Cognitive Behavior Therapy Applicability

Graziele Zwielewski, Vânia Sant´ Anna

Ande-Ande Lumut Folklore as the Builder of Youth Character

Dewi Pusposari, Djoko Saryono, Wahyudi Siswanto, Muakibatul Hasanah

National resilience, country corruption and quality of life: An international study

Shaul Kimhi, Yarden Oliel

Change Management and Organizational Performance in Selected Manufacturing Companies in Anambra State, Nigeria

Okeke M. N., Oboreh, J.C, Nebolisa O., Esione, U.O, Chukwuemeka O...

Ideology Behind the Ritual of Defembula Kahitela;A Ritual for Planting in the Muna Ethnic Community in Barangka District, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia.

La Ode Syukur

An Empirical Investigation of the Causal Relationship amongst Energy Consumption, Net Fixed Capital Stock and Economic Growth in India

Mr. Abhijit Phukon, Ms. Mitali Konwar

The Nature and Extent of Inter-Clan Conflicts in Mumias East Sub-County, Kakamega County, Kenya

Samson Busalire , Professor Crispinous Iteyo , Dr. Ruth Simiyu

The Impact of Country of Origin on Brand Equity: The Case of Jaffna Customers in Purchasing Toothpaste in Sri Lankan Market

sivanenthira S, Sabina D, Ratnam E