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Economic Analysis of Food Security Determinants In Tertiary Institutions (A Case Study Of The University Of Maiduguri Staff Members)
This paper examined the determinants of food security among university of Maiduguri staff members Borno State, Nigeria. Data for the study were selected from 110 academic and non-academic staff members using purposive and muliti-stage random techniques. Descriptive statistics, Cost-of-calories method, Logit model and household dietary diversity scores were used as analytical techniques for the study. Based on the recommended daily energy levels of 2260 kcal, a food security line of N 34571.04 per year per adult equivalent per year was obtained for the households. The about 78% of the sample households are therefore food secure. The Logit analysis revealed that the major determinants that positively influence food security in the study area are income, level of education, value of assets and access to credit. Based on the findings, households were encouraged to practice family planning and women were encouraged to intensify their income generating activities with a view to generating more income, thus, enhancing food availability in households