Article contents
Proposition: The foundation of logic.
Proposition are the material of our reasoning. Proposition are the basic building blocks of the world/thought. Proposition have intense relation with the world. World is a series of atomic facts and these facts are valued by the proposition although sentences explain the world of reality but can’t have any truth values, only proposition have truth values to describe the world in terms of assertions. Propositions are truth value bearers, the only quality of proposition is truth & falsity, that they are either true or false. Proposition mirrors the world and explains how world is arranged in an orderly manner. It scans the world(object) and are composed of atomic facts experienced and can be analyzed into propositions. Propositions are the basic units of logic. The truth (affirm) and falsity (nego) are the qualities of the propositions and universality (generality) and Particularity are the quantities of the propositions. There are propositions which are neither true nor false, they are called Pseudo-Propositions and their quality are ipso-facto i.e meaningless. Propositions are used in computers with the modifications brought by the modern logicians in the form of statements or logical sentences. The truth table of the logical gates and binary operations (1,s or 0,s are due to the revolution of the modern logic or mathematical logic. It is a fact that proposition cannot change the word but it shows the relation between the object and of the word. Objectives: The objectives of this research is to explore the importance and need of propositions in logic. It also shows the analysis of propositions and how a philosopher thoughts in terms of propositions or concepts. In this research problem it is shown that propositions had been described in many ways by most of the philosophers and logicians from Aristotle to contemporary philosophers. It also analysis the contribution of the philosophers towards proposition and its relation to the world of reality. This research also describes the definition and nature of proposition.