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Teachers’ Role In The Implementation Of Daily Living Skills Curriculum For Learners With Mental Challenges: A Case Of Special Units In Rarieda Sub-County Siaya County, Kenya.


  • Mr. Samuel Oti Odera Dr. Charles Makoriomoke Dr. Charles Benson Odongo Saradidi Special School,Box 51, 40611 Nyilima


The role played by teachers in the implementation of activities of daily living skills especially onlearners with mental challenges cannot be overemphasized. Despite the government efforts to developDaily Living Skills curriculum for the mentally challenged learners which was meant to improve thelearners self-help skills, learners in special units are still unable to master skills such as shoe lacing,drooling control, brushing of teeth among others. This case study design within a qualitative approachframed from behaviourist social learning theory of Albert Bandura, aimed at establishing teachers’role in the implementation of daily living skills curriculum for children with mental challenges inspecial units in Rarieda sub-county. The objectives of the study were; to identify teaching methodsemployed by teachers to teach Daily Living Skills; to establish teachers’ perspectives on the teachingof Daily Living Skills; identify challenges facing teachers while teaching Daily Living Skills; and tofind out the strategies teachers are using in implementing Daily Living Skills curriculum. The targetpopulation in this study was eighteen (18) participants comprising of five head teachers, eight teachersand six education officers. The study used purposive and saturated sampling techniques to select thesub-county, special units, head teachers, teachers and zonal quality assurance and standards officersto give a total of nineteen (18) participants. The study usedinterviews schedule, focus groupdiscussion, and document analysis to obtain the data. The data were reported in verbatim and codedaccording to themes in the objectives, and analysed using thematic analysis and contentanalysisapproaches. Trustworthiness and Authenticity of qualitative instruments was ensured by usingmultiple sources of data.The study revealed that teachers were using varieties of methods to teachDaily Living Skills, head teachers were not showing love and concern. There was also lack of teachinglearning materials, poor remuneration and teachers in the special units borrow teaching learningmaterials to teach Daily Living Skills on mentally challenged learners

Article information


International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention

Volume (Issue)

3 (5)




How to Cite

Teachers’ Role In The Implementation Of Daily Living Skills Curriculum For Learners With Mental Challenges: A Case Of Special Units In Rarieda Sub-County Siaya County, Kenya. (2016). International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention, 3(5).



